Fusion food is the current trend. Incompatible food or Viruddha ahara ( antagonist food), these words themselves may surprise many. There are many wrong food combinations in ayurveda. People don’t know which foods should not be eaten together. The man is going behind varieties of the new taste for his taste buds. Wrong food combinations are harming the human body.
These foods are undoubtfully giving us enormous pleasure in our eating habits. However, these varieties of tastes are carrying poison to our health. By the time we become aware of it, it might be very late.
- What foods don't go together & considered Virudhaharam in Ayurveda?
- 18 Types of Food Incompatibility Or Viruddha ahara list
- Examples of wrong food combinations as per Ayurveda (Viruddha ahara)
- The viruddha ahara list one should avoid
- Some General Wrong Food Combinations As Per Ayurveda
- Various diseases due to Viruddha Ahara or food incompatibility
- Incompatible Food or Viruddha Ahara In Today's World
- Conclusion
What foods don’t go together & considered Virudhaharam in Ayurveda?
Incompatible food or Virudhaharam in Ayurveda referred to various interactions among different foods. It may be an incompatibility in food combination, amount of food or even time of its consumption.
This unique concept is being discussed by many Acharyas in Ayurveda. Many incompatible food combinations interfere with the metabolic activity of the human body.
These combinations create more negative effects than positive; they act badly on the metabolic activity of various tissues of the body and even in the formation of new tissues.
18 Types of Food Incompatibility Or Viruddha ahara list
Complete viruddha ahara list
- Place- Desha Viruddha
- Quantity- Matra Viruddha
- Wholesome – Satmya Viruddha
- Mode of Preparation – Sanskar Viruddha
- Potency – Veerya Viruddha
- State of health – Avastha Viruddha
- Sequence – Kram Viruddha
- Treatment – Upachar Viruddha
- Cooking/ Preparation – Paak Viruddha
- Combination – Samyoga Viruddha
- Richness of quality – Sampad Viruddha
- Rules for eating – Vidhi Viruddha
- Kala Viruddha
- Agni Viruddha
- Dosha Viruddha
- Koshtha Viruddha
- Parihar Viruddha
- Hriday Viruddha
Examples of wrong food combinations as per Ayurveda (Viruddha ahara)
• Potency incompatibility (Veerya Viruddha)
Example: Proteins from two types of food like eating protein from two different environments like seafood and milk combination is incompatible
• Processing incompatibility (Sanskar Viruddha)
Example: Honey increases heat in the body. Reheating or mixing honey in the hot beverage is also considered Viruddhahara
• Dose incompatibility (Matra Viruddha)
Example: Certain food like Ghee and honey, and mixing it in the same amount creates food incompatibility. Acharya’s considered this as poison
• Order incompatibility (Krama Viruddha)
Example: Having curd at night. Taking honey in hot beverages such as milk or tea or drinking hot tea or milk after taking honey. Tikta and Katu Rasa Dravyas (food substances) at the starting of meals and Taking Madhura Rasa food or Dravya at the end of meals
• Combination incompatibility (Samyoga Viruddha)
For example fruit salad or banana milkshakes, combining fruits with milk creates food incompatibility
• Contraindication incompatibility (Parihar Viruddha)
Example: Consuming cold substance when the body is hot is also Virudhahara. It is a habit of most people to take cold water directly from the fridge and drink it. This is considered incompatible with the human body. Our bodies have to work more to come back to normal. Many clinicians suggest this to increase metabolism, however, Ayurveda does not support this.
• Time incompatibility (Kala Viruddha)
Example: Having dense tasted substance in summer season and cold food like refrigerated cold water or ice creams or any other cold beverages in winter.
The viruddha ahara list one should avoid

Some General Wrong Food Combinations As Per Ayurveda

- Boiling milk with tea is a Viruddha ahara.
- Fruits and tapioca shouldn’t be consumed with grains.
- Fruits, melons, sour fruits, and bananas shouldn’t be eaten with milk.
- Eating Eggs, milk, fish, fruits, yogurt, and beans together are not good.
- Milk shouldn’t be consumed along with salty foods.
- Fruits and milk shouldn’t be consumed with vegetables.
- Cheese, hot beverages, sour fruits, milk, mangoes, potato, tomato, beans, eggs, and fish should never be consumed with yogurt.
- Proteins and fats shouldn’t be consumed together because they require separate digestive juices to be broken down.
- Eggs, fruits, hot beverages, milk, legumes, and yoghurt should not be consumed with cheese.
- Starches and proteins don’t mix well, and consuming both together could cause digestive issues
- Fruits like melon, cucumber, and dairy products should never be combined with nightshades.
- Consumption of milk, lemon, yoghurt, tomatoes, and cucumbers should avoid
Various diseases due to Viruddha Ahara or food incompatibility
Digestive System effects
- Impaired metabolic process
- Abdominal distension
- Diseases of intestines
- Digestive issues
- Ascites
- Bullus,
- Indigestion,
- Gastritis
Circulatory system
- Different types of anemia
- Bleeding
- clotting of blood
Musculoskeletal System
- Stiffness in neck
- Shoulder stiffness and pain
Immune system
- Autoimmune disorders
- Skin disorders such as psoriasis or eczema
Others common problems
- Impotency and Infertility.
- Visarpa (erysipelas)
- Blindness
- Various skin diseases
- Anal Fistula
- Syncope, Coma or fainting,
- Mal tissue formation
- Intoxication,
- Edema
- Fever,
- Rhinitis
Incompatible Food or Viruddha Ahara In Today’s World
Many food incompatibility references can be found in old Ayurveda writing, for example, Charaka and Sushruta Samhitas. However, at the present time, this kind of food mix can hardly be found. We need to distinguish new food incompatibilities utilized today in everyday life according to the Ayurvedic point of view.
We have many new fusions of food. It became a trend for the people to have fusion food, it’s the nature of man to search for new. He looks for new tastes by fusing varieties of food. These food incongruences can likewise be arranged into Karma Viruddha, Krama Viruddha, Veerya Viruddha, etc.
Virudhahara gets aggravated at the micro-molecular level. Many food blends can demonstrate destructive, which might be giving untoward impacts on the resistant framework, cell digestion, development hormone, and Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS).
Topography (a science identified with a combination of food) is rising, which tells proteins not to be taken in combination with starch and sugar, because of the absorption process of both. More clearly, for digestion and absorption, starch requires an amylase present in saliva called ptyalin. This helps starch to break down into maltose and further breaks it into glucose, fructose, and galactose and stores it in the liver, however having fat or protein with starch/sugar delays this process.
When we consume incompatible food on a continuous basis, the side effect of this will not be contained in the stomach, it started influencing the body slowly. Many immunologic issues also occur due to such effects.
In today’s world, the craving for new varieties of food is increasing among humans. Today we don’t look into the qualitative aspect, instead, we look for quantity and a new taste for the palette. Keeping an eye on this will help to avoid many future illnesses. We should intake good food for a healthy future.
Further, watching the following video will give you more insight.
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- 18 Incompatible Food or Viruddha ahara List And Details (2024) - July 8, 2024