Ayurvedic Diet Regimen for Late Winter Season (Shishira)

Ayurvedic Diet Regimen for late winter

Shishira Food Regimen is the ideal ayurvedic diet plan for the winter season

Ideal daily regimen to be healthy

Morning (Things to do)

  • Wake up early between 4.30 am- 5.00 am or 45 min before sunrise.
  • Drink 1-3 glasses of water kept in a copper vessel.
  • Evacuate your bowels regularly & wash your hands, feet, and face.
  • Danta – Dhavan – Brushing teeth (Neem, Babul, Khadir, Pilu Meswak)

Jivha Nirlekhana (Tongue scraping)

  • Gandusha/ Kavala – Gargling & Mouth rinsing with medicated water.
  • Nasya – 2 drops instillation of medicated oil in each nostril.
  • Exercise (according to season).
  • Self–body massage with oil followed by powder (according to season)
  • Bathing & Grooming.

Ratricharya (Night Regimen)

  • Supper – Within 3 hours after sunset or 8 pm & bedtime- 2 hours after supper (10 pm)

Ayurvedic Diet Plan for late Winter

  • Eat when you are hungry, at a regular time, in the right quantity (Based on Agni), warm meals, a balanced diet (food containing all six tastes (Rasa), neither too fast nor too slow & compatible foods.

Seasonal Ayurvedic regimen for Late Winter:

 Ayurveda Winter Diet Modifications

  • Intake of cereals and pulses, wheat/gram flour products, newly harvested rice, and corn are advisable.
  • Ginger, garlic, haritaki (foods of Terminalia chebula). Pippali, (fruits of piper longum), sugarcane products, and milk & milk products to be included in the diet.

Lifestyle modifications:

  • Massage with oil/ powder/paste, bathing with lukewarm water, getting exposed to mild sunlight, and wear warm clothes are advised.
  • Heavy exercise, till sweat appears on the forehead is preferred.
  • Cold wind, excessive walking, and sleep at late night is to be avoided.
Mr.Viju V
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